Thursday, February 5, 2015

Life forms ... Tiny little life forms ...

For the last few weeks I've noticed a lot of movement from the baby. I tried to describe this to Husband, but I'm not sure if I can really convey the feeling. But I'll try for you anyway.

Imagine being poked.

From the inside.

That's what it feels like. He usually does this several times in a row. And only one instance was he kicking my bladder. So far.

I've noticed he kicks even more when I'm in a position that squishes his space.

One night I moved so I laying on my side, but more like a three quarter turn so I wasn't completely on my stomach. I felt a kick. Then another. Ignoring them because I half asleep, I figured he'd stop. He likes to kick at night.

Kick. (Mom)

Kick. (Mom)

Kick. (Mom!)

(... She's not listening to me)

One. Giant. Leap! (MOM!)

It was so intense that I completely woke up. I have never felt anything like it. I believe he used all his tiny strength to push out in all directions.

Needless to say, I don't sleep like that anymore.

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