Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Food has become a chore

At first, I didn't know what was happening. I would eat normal meals. Two hours after eating, I'd be cranky and sick feeling. I didn't want to eat.

Guess what made it better?


And I have suddenly taken a step backward in the picky eating department. Mostly in the choosing what I want to eat stage.

All the food in the house?
Looks gross, who would eat that?

Husband had to start making food because he would come home and I'd be curled up on the couch in agony whining about how awful I felt. Poor Husband. First semester of law school is a horrible time to have an overly emotional pregnant wife.

The good thing is that I've accepted this reality now. I dutifully eat every couple hours even though I don't want to. It saves everyone's sanity. I don't cry over trying to open a new bottle of olive oil, and Husband doesn't have to worry about coming home to a dramatic wife.

The next stage has started though.

All I want are weird foods that don't quite continue a meal, is that okay with you?!

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