Monday, April 9, 2012

Birthdays, blankets, and baking.

Sunday was my birthday. In preparation for this event, Bryan and I bought cake! Not just one cake, but three cake mixes so I had options. Chocolate, Spice and funfetti! After returning home from church, I texted our downstairs neighbors about using their washer and dryer. They are kind enough to let us intrude once a week to do our laundry. Realizing we had gotten our comforter a little dirty, we decided to take advantage of our laundry day and wash it. We began stuffing it into the washer with the water running. After stuffing about 1/3 of it into the washer it began to make some horrible noises. Yet, we continued to stuff. It made a few funky noises, but I insisted that it be just fine. As we ascended the stairs, the noises intensified. Bryan opened the washer and began extracting the comforter. It was sopping wet at this point and had not reduced in size as other blankets and clothes do. After some exasperated screams and personal alarm noises (see Dogs don't understand basic concepts like moving. by Hyperbole and a Half), Bryan ran upstairs and retrieved a trash bag which we inserted into our laundry hamper. In the process of freeing the comforter, we managed to drench our neighbors' floor, front of the washer and probably other things we didn't realize. We quickly cleaned with the help of some other clothes that had yet to be cleaned and quickly vacated their apartment. After franticly looking for some quarters, we drove to a laundromat. Bryan, sweet man that he is, still needed to cook me my birthday dinner. I told him to leave me behind and he reluctantly did much as a soldier would if a comrade asked him to (For the record, if he could have, he would have stayed but I insisted because I had invited friends over for cake later). That is how I spent my birthday... In a laundromat.
Bored, playing with a dying phone while trying to ignore the awkward marital problems of the couple who had brought their adult kids to do their laundry. One moment they would be yelling at each other, the next they would be pinching each other's butts... I don't see this as healthy.
Bryan retrieved me after the comforter had mostly dried and I had had more that enough of The Real Housewives of Provo. To be honest, I was not in the best of moods after this.
But then came my favorite part. CAKE! I chose the funfetti! We had some leftover frosting from my bridal shower that was several different colors. This barely covered the double layer cake, but looked really cool! I began placing candles on it and the thought came to me... we don't have a way to light them. Bryan and I had only been married a week and didn't realize this would be a concern. However, a quick text to my friends solved that issue.
Funfetti makes everything better.

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