Monday, May 25, 2015

More Dad Jokes

Husband and I were driving around in the car. Husband starts gushing about how cute Baby will be.

"...And he'll sit right there, in the back seat."


"He'll be a Backseat Boy!"

Friday, May 15, 2015

Things Husband Says/Does

Husband walked out of the bathroom and said, "Want to see my tiny mouth?" I replied that I did. "Wait just a sec," he said as he turned his back on me.

I waited patiently for a few seconds, not at all sure what to expect.

When he turned around, he had made his mouth about 1/3 the size.

I wish I had a picture, it was hilarious.

It's times like these that I'm so glad I married him. I never know what is going to happen next.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Dad Jokes Have Started

Husband asked me to come with him and walked into the nursery.

"This is his woom!" He said trying to be cute.

"No, THIS is his womb" I rebutted pointing to my baby bump.

"Now his womb is in his room!"