Friday, January 23, 2015

Word of the year

At a New Years party, the hosts gave us the challenge to use one word to direct our lives instead of making several resolutions. Everyone was picking words: determination, dedication, forgiveness etc. The host joked that his word was sleep.

I told my family I would be stealing his idea. I think they thought I was joking.

For the last few weeks, if I sleep on my right side, I have been having dull pain shoot down my right leg. Husband thinks it sciatica.

Last night, I started on the right side and eventually I had to roll over. This is fairly normal since I can't sleep on my stomach anymore. It's uncomfortable. Once on my left I started getting sharp throbbing pain behind my right hip.

So... Let's recap. I can't really sleep on my stomach, I can't sleep on my back (after about 4 months it can cut off blood flow to the baby), and both sides were just ruled out.

I grabbed my pillow and tried to be at a slight angle but not quite on my stomach. Baby Boy wasn't having it. Have you ever been tapped on the shoulder by someone really annoying and they just wont stop? Now imagine that from inside your abdomen. Baby isn't that big yet, but he can kick. And kick.

Cue slight mental breakdown at 3am.

My minor freakout woke up Husband.

Poor Husband. :(

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Husband and Baby

To stomach, "Hi Baby!!"

 To me, "I have to bond with it, otherwise I'll reject it. I've seen National Geographic!"

16 Weeks

Husband wanted in on the fun too!